
Linear Light Realm 線實動態

線實動態以波浪狀延伸的光帶作為策略,介入由標誌性的輕鋼構電塔、 輸送電纜綿延交織構成的城市地景,企圖在城市中大型變電站的400m外牆上,形成各種速度與尺度都能感知的都市空間指引。光帶裝置於標誌性的輕鋼構電塔、 輸送電纜上在車行的快速與行人的慢速之間,以上揚又落下的線條調和空間的速度感光線隨著人的行走往前,偶有下降成為扶手,展寬成為歇腳長凳,忽而向上揚起成為人行道照明光帶有機、衍生的結構體以寄生的方式附著在既有的牆體,是活潑的城市符號,也是溫和棲息在夜裡的伴路者

【獎項 Prizes】 優選 Distinction

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 Taiwan 臺灣 

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 極製設計所+十彥建築師事務所 Atelier S.U.P.E.R.B. + YEN PARTNERSHIP ARCHITECTS

【設計師姓名 Designer】 游麲 Eric Yu、許茗晴 Ming-Ching Hsu、謝宗諺 Tsung-Yen Hsieh、林彥穎 Yen-Ying Lin

【作品介紹 Description】

線實動態以波浪狀延伸的光帶作為策略,介入由標誌性的輕鋼構電塔、 輸送電纜綿延交織構成的城市地景,企圖在城市中大型變電站的400m外牆上,形成各種速度與尺度都能感知的都市空間指引。 在車行的快速與行人的慢速之間,以上揚又落下的線條調和空間的速度感,在車潮的喧囂旁,作為連續步行中喘息的節點。蜿蜒而流動的光線藏在帶狀的金屬的管中,被延續穿越了原本連續且標準化的混凝土牆,突破了牆面的邊界,爬上生人勿近的鐵絲網,成為動態積極的表徵。光線隨著人的行走往前,偶有下降成為扶手,展寬成為歇腳長凳,忽而向上揚起成為人行道照明光帶,陪伴著每個路人至圍牆的彼端。 有機、衍生的結構體以寄生的方式附著在既有的牆體,是活潑的城市符號,也是溫和棲息在夜裡的伴路者,如生物般呼吸起伏,帶著變電所特質賦予的生命力,持續跳動在充滿科技能量的台灣城市中。

Linear Light Realm intervene the site with wave-like luminous ribbons, aiming to introduce spatial guidance that engages people at various speeds and scales. Among the rapid traffic and wanders of the pedestrians, the upwards and downwards actions of the light rail reconcile the pace of the space. They are also designated as resting points throughout the walk next to the roaring traffic. Concealed in the stainless steel channels, the light meanders and flows freely through. It stretches and glides over the continuous and modularised concrete walls, visually breaking the rigid lines of the wall surface, representing senses of motion. The linear light follows and accompanies the pedestrians heading towards the other end of the wall, at times it lowers, widens and turns into a sitting bench, and at times it rises to become street lights for the footpath. This organic and derivative creature attaches to the existing fence wall in a parasitic way. It is not only a vivid urban symbol but also a gentle nocturnal companion. Inhales and exhales like a living entity, its vitality empowered by the characteristics of the substation will keep pulsing in this technology-charged city of Taiwan.