
巢境 Boolean Birdhouse

巢境 Boolean Birdhouse

關於巢境: 全球疫情的關係,長時間須待在家生活與工作,讓人們再次對”家”有了更多的關注。家與巢是這次設計圍繞的主軸。

木屋木構展示了永續建築的可能性並自然融入國家公園的優美環境。五個造型不同的木屋形同開枝散葉的家族,小家庭間各自發展成形,卻又在家族中飾有獨特的角色,形成複雜而美好的相互聚合。不同量體透過堆疊相嵌,在外觀上形成聚合又富變化的意象, 輔以對外牆台灣杉木材採不同處理方式達到和諧卻富變化的層次感 ,觀賞者走動時,在每個角度都可欣賞到建築不同的樣貌。這次案子的最大挑戰來自建築如何在花季的期間找尋到適得其所的角色,讓建築的美感與精神得以推廣,同時為花季與國家公園的遊人體驗加分。在極有限的預算與上述的期望間努力拔河,工期需三週內完成搭建,設計階段圖面的精準性與預鑄構建的安排都要到位,巢境此次嘗試全木構的構築方式,透過量體的巧妙擺放,將力傳導至各承重牆面,小量體間形成穩固的結構平衡,中間最大懸空量體於施工期間,站立六位師傅並承重鷹架的搭設,結構性優異。

【獎項 Prizes】 優選 Distinction

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 Taiwan臺灣


【設計師姓名 Designer】 洪世驊、溫茹棻( Shihhwa Hung、 Phoebe Wen)

【作品介紹 Description】 

關於巢境: 全球疫情的關係,長時間須待在家生活與工作,讓人們再次對”家”有了更多的關注。家與巢是這次設計圍繞的主軸。木屋木構展示了永續建築的可能性並自然融入國家公園的優美環境。五個造型不同的木屋形同開枝散葉的家族,小家庭間各自發展成形,卻又在家族中飾有獨特的角色,形成複雜而美好的相互聚合。不同量體透過堆疊相嵌,在外觀上形成聚合又富變化的意象, 輔以對外牆台灣杉木材採不同處理方式達到和諧卻富變化的層次感 ,觀賞者走動時,在每個角度都可欣賞到建築不同的樣貌。量體兩個入口分別面對花鐘與後方花園的小徑,有銜接兩處的意涵,量體刻意在兩入口間形成趣味的涵洞,讓小朋友們穿梭體驗建築內外的空間,看似分開的兩個室內空間,在動線體驗下還是一體的。量體堆疊下所形成的建築內部本是錯綜複雜的型態,但在設計過程我們藉布林代數的原理,移除了交集衝突的部分,留下充滿連續性與動態的面和結構。在精確的結構計算下,這些構築元素相互牽引支撐,形成穩定結構,再次呼應前述複雜而美好的關係。建築的動線規劃,期許參觀者以遠、近、繞、鑽等方式體驗其內外空間並結合遮陽避風躲雨的機能與民眾互動。另外也透過七座鳥巢的安排,讓鳥兒在不受打擾下,重回廣場棲息,拉近人與鳥的距離,增加花季體驗的樂趣與感動。 這次案子的最大挑戰來自建築如何在花季的期間找尋到適得其所的角色,讓建築的美感與精神得以推廣,同時為花季與國家公園的遊人體驗加分。在極有限的預算與上述的期望間努力拔河,工期需三週內完成搭建,設計階段圖面的精準性與預鑄構建的安排都要到位,巢境此次嘗試全木構的構築方式,透過量體的巧妙擺放,將力傳導至各承重牆面,小量體間形成穩固的結構平衡,中間最大懸空量體於施工期間,站立六位師傅並承重鷹架的搭設,結構性優異。


About Boolean Birdhouse As a Flower Festival pavilion located in the remote mountains, the mission is to provide a resting point while enhancing visitors' experiences during the festival. Human beings are under unprecedented influence from the Covid19 pandemics. Home regains its significance and involves our daily lives even stronger. This led to a narrative that family and home is where one found love and awesomeness yet along with complications. Our design rooted from this narrative and re-interpreted it by stacking five individual house-shape volumes and removing the overlapped area to create a booleaned interior which conveys unique spatial experiences from its complex geometries and wooden structures. One might even notices there are seven peculiar boxes with opening on the facades. Yes, a house for both people and birds under one roof! The birdhouse concept came into play to bring birds from the woods to an open field which encourages visitors aware of these wonderful species. We hope visitors enjoy this little surprise. As for the facade design, wood shingles made of Taiwania firs, were arranged with various patterns as well as bark finishes to give a natural presence as a wood cabin also as birdhouses which blends into its surroundings. The interior is mainly for sheltering and exhibition, in which one may find a cozy position to enjoy a moment of meditation. The circulation is curated to have visitors entering from two different entrances on the opposite side shaping different vantage points to appreciate the spatial characters. Since the interior space is semi-disconnected, visitors are expected to engage both inside and outside of the building to complete the experience which makes more sense for a project in such specific location. Projection mapping is an integrated art form presenting fantastic visual drama promoting nature conservation awareness which mutually enhancing the design agenda.